Friday, December 14, 2012


Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) como a exemplo da proposta do Kit-gay, desta vez deflagra a criação do Estatuto Penitenciário Nacional, que tem como autor o deputado federal Domingos Dutra (PT-MA). Selecionamos alguns artigos para conhecimento do público.

Além de todos os absurdos propostos, vale lembrar que o Estado do referido autor da matéria, que hoje tem um dos mais baixos índices de médicos por grupo de 1000 habitantes no Brasil (0,62), com a aprovação da matéria, a proporção seria de 12 vezes menos destes profissionais para atendimento à população do que nas cadeias do Brasil (7,5 médicos/1000 presos)

Se um sabonete não for entregue ao preso e este denunciar o mau trato, o que vale será sua palavra, logo, a autoridade pegará de 3 a 6 anos de reclusão, multa e perderá o cargo que ocupa, com o suor de seus estudos e sacrifícios, pois tratam-se de pessoas concursadas.
O Deputado Federal Jair Bolsonaro nos revela detalhes da PL 2230/11 do PT (Partido das Trevas) através do Deputado Domingos Dutra que deseja dar mordomias aos presos ao ponto que jamais a população brasileira sonhou.
São os maus sendo recompensados e os justos punidos, na estranha maneira de pensar do PT.

Analisem alguns artigos e tirem suas conclusões comparando com a situação do brasileiro honesto , pai de família e que paga seus impostos.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Extrait de casier judiciaire faite par Scribe Valdemir Mota Menezes

Assiste à la police militaire qui a été qualifié ci-dessus informant quand une patrouille a repéré deux individus, et que la vue de la voiture se comportait leur étrangement. Pour être traitées, Wolney a donné des noms divers, dont la recherche n'a pas donné Résultats. Pour être emmenés au poste de police, son frère, donnait la qualification complète du Wolney, consistant dans la recherche que c'était Outlaw Centre Mongaguá  Progression de Peine. Compte tenu des faits, il a été emmené à la CDP comté. Rien de plus.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Testimony taken by Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes

On the facts meet was a prisoner who was in the ward called "punishment" because the inmate was Cesar for help doctor, that Fernando to open the grid to take the Cesar, was the same that was rendered with broken glass and piece of ceramic sanitary vessel, threatening the agent Fernando and soon put to the bottom of the cell, and spent the Cesar shouting the name of the interviewee. The deponent to go to the wing of "Punishment" realized that Fernando was dominated by Reinaldo Cesar and Thaddeus. The witness called the leadership to negotiate the release of prison guard. Cesar was wanting a transfer chain. After negotiations, Cesar freed the agent Fernando.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Testimony taken by Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes


On the day of the incident when caught a woman was  in the Provisional Detention Center looking information and then headed to the trash and was eating a packet of biscuits and suddenly she picked up a package from her bag and tossed in the trash. Soon the declarant told her to wait while the declarant and Rita work were to investigate what she threw in the trash, and saw that she was playing a disposable diaper and within six and seven mobile chargers. Lady Alice was driven to the police station for registration of Occurrence Police. Second she would receive one hundred dollars to make this work.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Que o depoente informa que não conhece e nem viu a pessoa de Rosimeire. Quanto ao cheque no valor de Hum mil, setecentos e cinquenta do Banco Bradesco, o depoente pegou este cheque do Pedro, dono da Madeideira do Rio Branco que pertence ao Pedro. O depoente pegou este cheque em uma troca por dinheiro com Pedro. Tendo o Pedro autorizado o depoente a fazer o depósito. Conhecendo o Pedro a cerca de dois anos. Como o cheque retornou sem fundo, o Pedro foi notificado e o mesmo mandou o depoente depositar de novo, sendo que novamente voltou por motivo 21 ( Contra-Ordem de de Pagamento). Desta forma, o depoente procurou a dona do cheque pela internet e localizou-a , mas deixando recado com uma parente da Rosimeire, o marido da Rosimeire ligou para o depoente, estranhando os fatos, pois sua mulher não tinha conta bancária. Em seguida o depoente procurou o Pedro, que reembolsou o depoente no valor do cheque e comentou com o Pedro, os fatos relativo a Rosimeire, inclusive passando o telefone do marido da Rosimeire, para o Pedro, depois disso não teve mais contato com o marido da Rosimeire e nem comentou mais o assunto com o Pedro.

(Depoimento diante de: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, o Escriba)


That the deponent herein is accompanied by his mother, who has 15 years, and that on the facts was crossing the street when a vehicle hit him from behind, that the declarant did not see the time of the accident, because I fell unconscious . After the Emergency was rescued Humaitá. In this act the declarant receives IML to request a forensic examination. Wishing to see him prosecuted according to law by injuries. Later he learned that the driver fled the scene of the accident, was chased by police and arrested, and still found that it was drunk.. (Testimony before: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)

Monday, August 13, 2012


Report written by Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes

  The present police investigation was initiated upon request the court to establish the crime of aggravated assault, as contained in the record that on January 26, 2009 when he was arrested, his lawyer noted various injuries to his client Wagner, prompting the Magistrate Judge steps.
                             In a text written in his own hand, Wagner claims he was beaten during his arrest in flagrante (6 pgs). Wagner was submitted to a forensic examination, which award 830/09 accused a result of mild injury (12 pgs). The Wagner's lawyer informed the judge that the military police Leandro and Fabio could help the police identify the perpetrators, because they would have witnessed the assault (27 pgs). The Magistrate Judge filed the correctional providences, but ordered the establishment of the survey (18 pgs).
                               He joined the case, the DVC Wagner (pgs 19-21). . The Defender of Wagner, Luciene, testified (42 pgs). Wagner gave a statement accusing police of assaulting him (43 pgs). The officer claims that Fabio Souza not strike nor saw who had beaten Wagner (53 pgs), the same way, the police Leandro Vidal claims not to have beaten and did not even see who would have attacked Wagner (69 pgs). We tried several times to hear Wagner (pgs 23, 36, 73, 77, 81, 106, 111), but it does not appear, having tacitly waives prosecution subject to public representation.
                             Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.


Report written by Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes




                                    The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to ascertain the circumstances of the death of Antonio Ramos, as contained in the record that on February 12, 2012 at 2hs39min  within the Penitentiary of San Vicente, Antonio became ill and was bailed to Emergency the Humaita, coming up with heartbeat and breathing, but died be medicated.
                                The autopsy report 969/12 points with unknown causes for the death of Antonio Ramos (6 pgs). The supplementary report on the outcome of Anatomical Pathology Chemical Review 378/12 as a cause of death showed acute respiratory failure / thromboembolism (13 pgs). The toxicology report 3712/12 states that Antonio Ramos was not on drugs or alcohol (14 pgs).
                              The official of the prison, Mauro recounts the rescue of Antonio and also reported that it had bronchitis and was stubborn smokers (15 pgs). He joined the file copy of the Preliminary Determination same collusion and that the case should be filed for not characterizing any type of crime or disciplinary offense (79 pgs)
                             Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to establish the crime of theft, as contained in the record that on February 21, 2011 within the Penitentiary II of St. Vincent, the Administration realized that were stolen four ballistic vests that were saved in that institution, since 2007.
                                   From the Prisons Authority announced the Police Authority the disappearances of four ballistic vests (pgs 05-09). You Rivanil Modesto was heard in testimony and said he was appointed by the Prison Director to present the occurrence of the police station. (19 pgs). Thorough calculation was performed on Administrative ball in an attempt to locate the vests, but the search for responsible by subtracting the left-jackets to be unsuccessful. (fls 27ss)
                             Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.

Report of Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes

Friday, June 29, 2012


damaged vehicle from prison
on the facts was approved prisoners who arrived at the forum and enter the CDP, and the prisoners of the Penitentiary I, who was in the car were taken to their home unit (PI), it happens that the prisoner William Cruz da Silva to give input the Penitentiary I in personal search, found him a fan, having confessed that it had damaged the car stuck in the compartment, and removed the fan. Given the facts, it was announced police occurrence of damage to public patrimony, for the prisoner to remove the fan damaged the Ducato van
(recorded by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)


The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to establish the crime of damage to public property, as contained in the record that on January 27, 2010 at 19hs15min realized that the car transport of prisoners, plates DJP 4206 was the trapdoor and the compartment door damaged.
                                  Notice of Claim (6 pgs), Bulletin of Occurrence (pgs 3-4), report 1565/10 of the IC describes the damage to the vehicle (pgs 7-11). Thorough Disciplinary Procedure found in the administrative facts concerning responsibility for damage (pgs 13-99). Inmates transported on the facts of the Forum and registration Mongaguá, were charged with damage to public property, namely: Luiz Gustavo Albuquerque (pgs 141-145), James Adilson Rodrigues dos Anjos (pgs 155-157), Elton Junior bridges Pinto (pgs 161-164). The damage caused to public funds was estimated at two thousand five hundred reais (62 pgs). (My Report: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Join us in this precinct representative of the CDP, stating that: received for determination of Corrections has occurred in accordance with the Notice of Event 116/12 as set out in that day of the incident, the inmate Cesar, who dwells in the cell two, standing with altered emotional state, has cursing, the worker at the Provisional Detention Center, the lord bishop of Nilton Santos,: or you transfer me here or I'll disrupt, you are all sons of bitches will take it up the ass. Once I leave here I will kill you. "Among other insults. Then the prisoner set fire to a mattress prison unit. Nothing more. (History recorded by Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Report of Valdemir Mota de Menezes, The Scribe, to judge:

The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to establish the crime of aggravated assault, as shown in the records that on June 7, 2009, at 9h00min, in the Penitentiary of St. Vincent I was going a routine procedure when several inmates began to disregard and assaulting the official Marcio Santos Assumption with kicks and punches, being rescued by other officials and taken to City Hospital.

Marcio testified and indicated the conduct of inmates who assaulted him (07 pgs). The arrested offenders were identified and charged. Jesse Massaneiro (pgs 13-15), of Othniel Pereira Lima (pgs 17-20), Tiago Oliveira Santana (pgs 21-24) and Wagner Alves da Silva (pgs 25-27). Photos of the images of aggression (pgs 32-34).
Report of a forensic examination of Marcio (39 pgs). The prison official who accompanied the electronic monitoring was heard on the record (77 pgs). The official Assumpção Francisco was prevented by the prisoners to help Marcio at the time of the assault (78 pgs)

Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


By: Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes


That the deponent is informed that on the facts he was presenting a case of blatant theft. Where Roberto was conducted. That Roberto was arrested Humaitá, when he was a black bag with several pieces of clothing. What did due diligence and found a nearby clothing store burglarized. At the police station was in the witness room of the delegation, Dr. Armando who was the witness's hearsay. That Roberto was locked in jail and that it was padlocked. Who suddenly heard screams from the warden saying the prisoner was escaping through the exit of the call, the witness and all officers who were on duty at the station headquarters of St. Vincent, where it was the blatant rushed to capture Roberto, but had no success. Two days later the military police captured the Robert who was at the Continental Park neighborhood. The thief fled taking the lock and can not tell how he escaped.


Que o depoente tem a informar que no dia dos fatos estava presenteando uma ocorrência de flagrante de furto. Onde o conduzido era o Roberto. Que o Roberto foi preso no Humaitá, quando estava com uma sacola preta com varias peças de roupa. Que fizeram diligencias nas imediações e encontrou uma loja de roupa arrombada. Na delegacia o depoente estava na sala do delegado, Dr. Armando que fazia a oitiva do depoente. Que o Roberto estava trancado na carceragem e que a mesma estava trancada com cadeado. Que repentinamente escutou gritos da carcereira dizendo que o preso estava fugindo pela saída do plantão, que o depoente e todos os policiais que estavam no plantão da delegacia sede de São Vicente, onde acontecia o flagrante correram para capturar o Roberto, porem não tiveram exito. Dois dias depois a policia militar capturou o Roberto que estava no bairro Parque Continental. Que o ladrão fugiu levando o cadeado e não sabe dizer como ele escapou.


What about the facts is clear that the entry of the cell on the left side, near the door, within 04, 8 cell, was found a hole in the floor giving way to a tunnel, whose measurements were 30 X 40 cm and depth of about one meter. That asked residents about the authorship of that cell damage, detainees Aurelio, Jurandir, Wellignton and Robson presented spontaneously as perpetrators of the crime. The hole was photographed and fixed, have been spending a bag of cement and a few cans of sand, which prejudice must have been approximately five dollars.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Comparece os dois agentes penitenciários acima descritos informando que na data de hoje, no setor de triagem de visitantes do Centro de Detenção Provisória de São Vicente, suspeitaram do documento apresentado pela Priscila Natividade da Silva que tentava se passar por Fabiana dos D. B. Almeida, tendo Priscila apresentado o RG 41.558.XXX em nome da Fabiana. Acontece que certos detalhes do RG apresentado levantaram suspeitas, tais como: a foto aparentava ser colada novamente com furos que não pareciam com os do órgão responsável pela identificação, apresentava também o fato de ser plastificado novamente e ao ser feito o confronto digital da Priscila com a digital do RG, as linhas apresentavam divergências. Diante dos fatos a Priscila confessou que havia pego o RG escondido da irmã dela e feito a falsificação para poder visitar o seu companheiro, o detento Marcelo T. Correia de matrícula 233.XXX. A autoridade policial ciente dos fatos determinou a lavratura do Auto de Prisão em Flagrante Delito e a indiciada foi recolhida a cadeia Pública Feminina, anexa ao 2o DP de S Vicente. Nada mais.

Friday, June 1, 2012


O depoimento abaixo o Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes tomou de um Agente Disciplinar de Cas ade Internação de Menores Infratores que foi agredido por um "menor apreendido"

No dia dos fatos advertiu o interno Marco Antonio, pois o declarante é funcionario da Fundação Casa e este interno já é maior de idade. O interno foi advertido porque estava cumprimentos para os demais em estilo criminoso, após advertido três vezes, o jovem gritou com o declarante, agindo com ignorancia e desrespeitando o declarante perante os demais interno. O declarante para não tumultuar, pois era hora do café, advertiu para que ele tomasse o café e depois iriam conversar. Após o café foram para um local reservado e o declarante estava orientado sobre a indisciplinas no refeitório, o jovem Marco que já é conhecido por indisciplina passou a xingar o declarante de Merda e bosta e fechou os punhos para socar o declarante, sendo o mesmo contido pelo declarante e outros funcionarios que chegaram para socorrer o declarante. Ainda no chão, o Marco chutou varias vezes o pé direito do declarante, causando lesão. Contido o jovem, foi chamado a coordenação e após o declarante ser medicado, registrou posteriormente a ocorrência policial Deseja ver o Marco Antonio processado de acordo com a lei pelos crimes de desacato, desobediencia, ameaça e lesão corporal.

Friday, May 25, 2012


History recorded by Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes:
what about the facts have to say that on May 17, 2011 there was a general search in the prison, for inspection of the prisoners, and the cell 12, the radius 4, the prison guard Jose Garden, to make a personal search in arrested: Vincent Wagner Coelho, was successful in finding the lining of the underwear caught a lot of marijuana. If submitted at the police station, not having informed the prisoner provenance of the drug or its purpose. Currently stuck Wagner meets with serious health problem, with large swelling in the testicles and is hospitalized in Sao Paulo, probably in the prison hospital, no estimate of return.

Monday, May 14, 2012


The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to establish the crime of trafficking in narcotics, as contained in the record that on March 23, 20XX, at 8:30 am, the Provisional Detention Center, the cell 23, radius 5, was found forty-two envelopes containing marijuana, and asked which of the prisoners was the owner of the drug, Humberto AAAAAA RRRRRR presented himself as the owner.
The toxicology report 1101/XX confirmed that the substance seized it comes to marijuana (12 pgs). The Report 3033/XX describes other objects seized in raid (pgs 13-15). The official Rafael QQQQQQ testified and said that after finding the drug behind a washtub, the detainee Humberto took ownership of numbing, but not informed for what purposes the bore. (55 pgs)
The Promoter Excellency that this was manifested to press inquiries continue only with regard to seizure of drugs (27 pgs). In the Disciplinary Procedure Humberto suffered sanctions for misconduct (92 pgs). At the formal indictment in this precinct, Humberto detainee denied being the owner of the drug, and for security reasons can not speak to whom the drug (109 pgs).
Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Fact recorded by Valdmeir Mota de Menezes, the scribe

on the facts was in the area of ​​inclusion when he heard a noise coming from outside the room and as he approached, was overpowered by an inmate named Gerisnaldo, who had his hand under his shirt, claiming to be armed and demanding the surrender of the declarant. Dominated Soon after, the deponent was kept in jail in the proper, industry, in a drawer in the room including the Gerisnaldo took scissors and every moment threatened to kill the reporter. The other prisoner, Andrew sent other officials who tried to approach the sector including that depart because they were in control. For about twenty minutes, there was negotiation between the warden and two prisoners. Until they were overpowered and disarmed by other employees. Gerisnaldo stuck with scissors and was seized with Andre, a skewer. All this revolt of the two prisoners was to require the transfer thereof to another prison.

the day of the incident went to the sector of punishment which would release the prisoners Gerisnaldo Andrew and when he opened the cell, the one with Andre: skewer craft, earned the declarant and said "It was," put the declarant in the cell and closed the door, having no longer view them later they came back with handcuffs and handcuffed in the proper reporting, one on each arm and surrendered and were dominated by the other employees of the prison. In total three employees were overcome, but at the end of trading all the prisoners were released and transferred to another presidio, as was the claim that they did. During the rebellion, the two prisoners said they would pierce the eyes of the declarant.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Testimony taken by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
What about the facts have to say that I worked at the Penitentiary, when the prisoners began shouting for help, who upon arriving in his cell, he found the prisoner Antonio Ramos pulseless and breathless, the critical condition of health, has left with the attached directly to the Emergency Room of Humaita, on the way were doing CPR Resuscitation cardio-respiratory arrest, which in the ER, vital signs returned, but the prisoner did not survive and died. Antonio had a history of bronchitis and several times was sent to the infirmary and was inhaled, and make use of "firecracker" of berotec, yet he was an inveterate smoker

Thursday, May 3, 2012


case recorded by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes

stated that on the facts, was doing a routine inspection and found a hole, beginning a tunnel, within 8, 8 cell. after discovery of damage to the heritage, was asking the residents of that cell inmates who were responsible for that wrongdoing has been presented Jhonantan Almeida da Silva and others. Then after skill, the site of damage was repaired.

PS We all know the justice system that most people who take responsibility for the damage, are people who have debt in jail and as payment, they assume some crimes of other criminals.


ase recorded by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes

declared that the day of the incident was like TEAM COORDINATOR, and was called by the agent Rodrigo Stay in module 24, where your teenager John Peter changed and arguing with the agent Rodrigo, where he was on the patio some teenagers to avoid a principle of turmoil, where the teenager John Peter was extolling the other teenagers, it was necessary to remove it, as it stood, it was necessary to use moderate force, the same having fallen to the ground and being handcuffed necessary. Was present at this time the team psycho-social and the Vanda is Nivaldo and director of the Unit. The teenager was sent to the infirmary, and prepared the police report in this precinct. Having a teenager in the season passed through a forensic examination


case recorded by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes

Attends the civil police, Manuel and Leon, the Police Headquarters of St. Vincent, stating that he was making transfer of prisoners Chain Public Hall for Provisional Detention Center of St. Vincent. It turns out that the prisoner Robson Mauricio Marques de Araujo while passing through the metal detector, charged that carried the same metallic material, and review detailed in his buttocks was found a cell phone. Mobile seized to forensics. Nothing more.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


The Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes recorded the following statement

That on the facts was working in the sector of the cage which is an inlet passage output of prisoners and other staff, who on that day, the nurse asked Claudemir, accompanied by the deponent to the infirmary. Just in the ward is the prisoners with tuberculosis, and the Jefferson delivered a package to Claudemir, and when they leave the ward, the deponent and the more official Jose Garden made ​​a personal search in Claudemir and found a lot of cocaine, and subsequently case presented at the station. According to Claudemir, he did not know what it was about the package, but that Jefferson sent him to deliver to someone within the Claudemir, but Claudemir not say for whom he would make the delivery.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Registro feito pelo Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes

Comparece o representante do Centro de detenção Provisória cumprindo ordens superiores para apresentar ocorrência que versa sobre apreensão de entorpecente, pois no dia dos fatos foi encontrado em áreas de uso coletivo dos sentenciados do bloco Anexo ao CDP, 29 trouxinhas de pó branco semelhante a cocaína, lacrada sob número 1247799 e um invólucro de substância esverdeada semelhante a maconha lacrada sob numero 1102287. Drogas apreendidas, fotografadas, pesadas e lacradas. Nada mais.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Testimony taken by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
That the deponent is informed that at the time was director of the Center for Work and Education of prisoners in the Penitentiary II S Vicente. That there was a factory within the Penitentiary confection that gloves and who knows, two prisoners were hidden inside the shed and probably hid in the middle of the merchandise. This truck before leaving the prison goes through two checkpoints, that does not know whom to blame or liability for this leak. That the fifteen prisoners who carried the truck, returned to their cells. That the deponent was in the Prison Unit in the day but did not accompany the shipment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Depoimento tomado pelo Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes

O depoente foi acionado via radio para atender ocorrencia no Centro de Detenção Provisoria, onde deveria auxiliar na escolta de preso que estaria passando mal. Antes de chegar no CDP, já avisaram que devido a gravidade, a viatura do Centro de Detenção Provisória saiu sem a escolta da Policia Militar, No Pronto Socorro do Humaita, o detento D veio a falecer. Em seguida o depoente veio apresentar a ocorrencia no plantão desta delegacia de policia.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Témoignage recueilli par Valdemir Mota Menezes, le Scribe

Le témoin a répondu à l'appel de détresse, ayant été témoin lorsque le détenu Diego, a laissé un rayon de 5, vomissements de sang à l'infirmerie du Centre de détention provisoire de Saint-Vincent que le détenu a été placé dans la voiture et a conduit le CDP à la salle d'urgence de Humaita, où il mourut. Il n'y avait aucun signe d'agression contre Diego. Si présenté officier de police de service. Événement qui a eu lieu en Décembre 2011. Il est arrivé à l'inconscient à l'hôpital.

Les résultats de l'enquête sur les points que Diego est décédé des complications de santé et n'était pas une victime de la violence en prison.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Caso registrado pelo Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes

Comparece o agente penitenciario Jose de Tal apresentando quatro Comunicados de Eventos (710 ao 740), dando conta que em blitz realizadas nas dependências do Centro de Detenção Provisória foi apreendido 2 porções de maconha em estado de abandono no raio 7 (CE 710), , mais duas porções de maconha no raio 4, em estado de abandono (CE 720), 1 aparelho celular Samsung, dois carregadores de bateria e um pedaço de vergalhão de ferro, no raio 8, em estado de abandono (CE 730). Com o detento Em uma bermuda que estava em uma cama no raio 2 cela 5, foi encontrado um aparelho celular da marca LG, que indagado aos moradores da cela sobre a propriedade do aparelho, o Luck se apresentou como sendo o dono. Objetos apreendidos para perícia.


Caso registrado pelo Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes

Comparece o agente penitenciario José XXXXX, informando que na data de 18 de fevereiro do corrente ano, os agentes M. e G. estava fazendo inspeção no Centro de Detenção Provisória, quando lograram exito em encontrar no Raio 2, cela 08 uma escavação, proximo a primeira cama do lado esquerdo, medindo 50 cm de largura. Indagado os detentos quem seria os autores do dano, se apresentaram espontaneamente os detentos acima mencionados. Local foi fotografado e imediatamente fechado com concreto. Nada mais