Thursday, May 10, 2012


Fact recorded by Valdmeir Mota de Menezes, the scribe

on the facts was in the area of ​​inclusion when he heard a noise coming from outside the room and as he approached, was overpowered by an inmate named Gerisnaldo, who had his hand under his shirt, claiming to be armed and demanding the surrender of the declarant. Dominated Soon after, the deponent was kept in jail in the proper, industry, in a drawer in the room including the Gerisnaldo took scissors and every moment threatened to kill the reporter. The other prisoner, Andrew sent other officials who tried to approach the sector including that depart because they were in control. For about twenty minutes, there was negotiation between the warden and two prisoners. Until they were overpowered and disarmed by other employees. Gerisnaldo stuck with scissors and was seized with Andre, a skewer. All this revolt of the two prisoners was to require the transfer thereof to another prison.

the day of the incident went to the sector of punishment which would release the prisoners Gerisnaldo Andrew and when he opened the cell, the one with Andre: skewer craft, earned the declarant and said "It was," put the declarant in the cell and closed the door, having no longer view them later they came back with handcuffs and handcuffed in the proper reporting, one on each arm and surrendered and were dominated by the other employees of the prison. In total three employees were overcome, but at the end of trading all the prisoners were released and transferred to another presidio, as was the claim that they did. During the rebellion, the two prisoners said they would pierce the eyes of the declarant.

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