Friday, June 29, 2012


damaged vehicle from prison
on the facts was approved prisoners who arrived at the forum and enter the CDP, and the prisoners of the Penitentiary I, who was in the car were taken to their home unit (PI), it happens that the prisoner William Cruz da Silva to give input the Penitentiary I in personal search, found him a fan, having confessed that it had damaged the car stuck in the compartment, and removed the fan. Given the facts, it was announced police occurrence of damage to public patrimony, for the prisoner to remove the fan damaged the Ducato van
(recorded by the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)


The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to establish the crime of damage to public property, as contained in the record that on January 27, 2010 at 19hs15min realized that the car transport of prisoners, plates DJP 4206 was the trapdoor and the compartment door damaged.
                                  Notice of Claim (6 pgs), Bulletin of Occurrence (pgs 3-4), report 1565/10 of the IC describes the damage to the vehicle (pgs 7-11). Thorough Disciplinary Procedure found in the administrative facts concerning responsibility for damage (pgs 13-99). Inmates transported on the facts of the Forum and registration Mongaguá, were charged with damage to public property, namely: Luiz Gustavo Albuquerque (pgs 141-145), James Adilson Rodrigues dos Anjos (pgs 155-157), Elton Junior bridges Pinto (pgs 161-164). The damage caused to public funds was estimated at two thousand five hundred reais (62 pgs). (My Report: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Join us in this precinct representative of the CDP, stating that: received for determination of Corrections has occurred in accordance with the Notice of Event 116/12 as set out in that day of the incident, the inmate Cesar, who dwells in the cell two, standing with altered emotional state, has cursing, the worker at the Provisional Detention Center, the lord bishop of Nilton Santos,: or you transfer me here or I'll disrupt, you are all sons of bitches will take it up the ass. Once I leave here I will kill you. "Among other insults. Then the prisoner set fire to a mattress prison unit. Nothing more. (History recorded by Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Report of Valdemir Mota de Menezes, The Scribe, to judge:

The present police investigation was initiated by executive order to establish the crime of aggravated assault, as shown in the records that on June 7, 2009, at 9h00min, in the Penitentiary of St. Vincent I was going a routine procedure when several inmates began to disregard and assaulting the official Marcio Santos Assumption with kicks and punches, being rescued by other officials and taken to City Hospital.

Marcio testified and indicated the conduct of inmates who assaulted him (07 pgs). The arrested offenders were identified and charged. Jesse Massaneiro (pgs 13-15), of Othniel Pereira Lima (pgs 17-20), Tiago Oliveira Santana (pgs 21-24) and Wagner Alves da Silva (pgs 25-27). Photos of the images of aggression (pgs 32-34).
Report of a forensic examination of Marcio (39 pgs). The prison official who accompanied the electronic monitoring was heard on the record (77 pgs). The official Assumpção Francisco was prevented by the prisoners to help Marcio at the time of the assault (78 pgs)

Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


By: Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes


That the deponent is informed that on the facts he was presenting a case of blatant theft. Where Roberto was conducted. That Roberto was arrested Humaitá, when he was a black bag with several pieces of clothing. What did due diligence and found a nearby clothing store burglarized. At the police station was in the witness room of the delegation, Dr. Armando who was the witness's hearsay. That Roberto was locked in jail and that it was padlocked. Who suddenly heard screams from the warden saying the prisoner was escaping through the exit of the call, the witness and all officers who were on duty at the station headquarters of St. Vincent, where it was the blatant rushed to capture Roberto, but had no success. Two days later the military police captured the Robert who was at the Continental Park neighborhood. The thief fled taking the lock and can not tell how he escaped.


Que o depoente tem a informar que no dia dos fatos estava presenteando uma ocorrência de flagrante de furto. Onde o conduzido era o Roberto. Que o Roberto foi preso no Humaitá, quando estava com uma sacola preta com varias peças de roupa. Que fizeram diligencias nas imediações e encontrou uma loja de roupa arrombada. Na delegacia o depoente estava na sala do delegado, Dr. Armando que fazia a oitiva do depoente. Que o Roberto estava trancado na carceragem e que a mesma estava trancada com cadeado. Que repentinamente escutou gritos da carcereira dizendo que o preso estava fugindo pela saída do plantão, que o depoente e todos os policiais que estavam no plantão da delegacia sede de São Vicente, onde acontecia o flagrante correram para capturar o Roberto, porem não tiveram exito. Dois dias depois a policia militar capturou o Roberto que estava no bairro Parque Continental. Que o ladrão fugiu levando o cadeado e não sabe dizer como ele escapou.


What about the facts is clear that the entry of the cell on the left side, near the door, within 04, 8 cell, was found a hole in the floor giving way to a tunnel, whose measurements were 30 X 40 cm and depth of about one meter. That asked residents about the authorship of that cell damage, detainees Aurelio, Jurandir, Wellignton and Robson presented spontaneously as perpetrators of the crime. The hole was photographed and fixed, have been spending a bag of cement and a few cans of sand, which prejudice must have been approximately five dollars.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Comparece os dois agentes penitenciários acima descritos informando que na data de hoje, no setor de triagem de visitantes do Centro de Detenção Provisória de São Vicente, suspeitaram do documento apresentado pela Priscila Natividade da Silva que tentava se passar por Fabiana dos D. B. Almeida, tendo Priscila apresentado o RG 41.558.XXX em nome da Fabiana. Acontece que certos detalhes do RG apresentado levantaram suspeitas, tais como: a foto aparentava ser colada novamente com furos que não pareciam com os do órgão responsável pela identificação, apresentava também o fato de ser plastificado novamente e ao ser feito o confronto digital da Priscila com a digital do RG, as linhas apresentavam divergências. Diante dos fatos a Priscila confessou que havia pego o RG escondido da irmã dela e feito a falsificação para poder visitar o seu companheiro, o detento Marcelo T. Correia de matrícula 233.XXX. A autoridade policial ciente dos fatos determinou a lavratura do Auto de Prisão em Flagrante Delito e a indiciada foi recolhida a cadeia Pública Feminina, anexa ao 2o DP de S Vicente. Nada mais.

Friday, June 1, 2012


O depoimento abaixo o Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes tomou de um Agente Disciplinar de Cas ade Internação de Menores Infratores que foi agredido por um "menor apreendido"

No dia dos fatos advertiu o interno Marco Antonio, pois o declarante é funcionario da Fundação Casa e este interno já é maior de idade. O interno foi advertido porque estava cumprimentos para os demais em estilo criminoso, após advertido três vezes, o jovem gritou com o declarante, agindo com ignorancia e desrespeitando o declarante perante os demais interno. O declarante para não tumultuar, pois era hora do café, advertiu para que ele tomasse o café e depois iriam conversar. Após o café foram para um local reservado e o declarante estava orientado sobre a indisciplinas no refeitório, o jovem Marco que já é conhecido por indisciplina passou a xingar o declarante de Merda e bosta e fechou os punhos para socar o declarante, sendo o mesmo contido pelo declarante e outros funcionarios que chegaram para socorrer o declarante. Ainda no chão, o Marco chutou varias vezes o pé direito do declarante, causando lesão. Contido o jovem, foi chamado a coordenação e após o declarante ser medicado, registrou posteriormente a ocorrência policial Deseja ver o Marco Antonio processado de acordo com a lei pelos crimes de desacato, desobediencia, ameaça e lesão corporal.