That the deponent is informed that at the time was director of the Center for Work and Education of prisoners in the Penitentiary II S Vicente. That there was a factory within the Penitentiary confection that gloves and who knows, two prisoners were hidden inside the shed and probably hid in the middle of the merchandise. This truck before leaving the prison goes through two checkpoints, that does not know whom to blame or liability for this leak. That the fifteen prisoners who carried the truck, returned to their cells. That the deponent was in the Prison Unit in the day but did not accompany the shipment.
We uphold the doctrine that the penitentiary, and sentences of imprisonment must be stopped. Death penalty for the barbaric crimes, and sentences of slavery or pecuniary punishment for other criminals. (By: scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Depoimento tomado pelo Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes
O depoente foi acionado via radio para atender ocorrencia no Centro de Detenção Provisoria, onde deveria auxiliar na escolta de preso que estaria passando mal. Antes de chegar no CDP, já avisaram que devido a gravidade, a viatura do Centro de Detenção Provisória saiu sem a escolta da Policia Militar, No Pronto Socorro do Humaita, o detento D veio a falecer. Em seguida o depoente veio apresentar a ocorrencia no plantão desta delegacia de policia.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Témoignage recueilli par Valdemir Mota Menezes, le Scribe
Le témoin a répondu à l'appel de détresse, ayant été témoin lorsque le détenu Diego, a laissé un rayon de 5, vomissements de sang à l'infirmerie du Centre de détention provisoire de Saint-Vincent que le détenu a été placé dans la voiture et a conduit le CDP à la salle d'urgence de Humaita, où il mourut. Il n'y avait aucun signe d'agression contre Diego. Si présenté officier de police de service. Événement qui a eu lieu en Décembre 2011. Il est arrivé à l'inconscient à l'hôpital.
Les résultats de l'enquête sur les points que Diego est décédé des complications de santé et n'était pas une victime de la violence en prison.
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